Greetings Members!
As we are now generally safe + permitted to gather, we will hold our annual meeting in person in 2 weeks on Monday June 21st at 7pm in the Village Hall courtroom. Any member not fully vaccinated should wear a mask or attend virtually. (If you would like to attend virtually, please let me know so I can arrange a Zoom conference.)
IMPORTANT: In order to have a valid meeting, we MUST have a quorum. Please submit your proxy vote right now to ensure we have a quorum, unless you are certain you will attend. The form takes only 2 minutes to complete.
It’s also important to share that our longtime treasurer John G. has asked that we move forward with finding his successor. John has generously filled this volunteer role since 2013 (!) with diligence, skill and precision. (Not to mention the best handwriting I’ve ever seen.) Our association truly owes John a great thank you, and he deserves to have a successor step forward to learn the ropes and carry on his steady work. As we have 111 homes in this membership, I believe we should have someone willing to take up this position over the coming year. Please indicate your willingness to join this or any board position on the proxy vote form.
As always please advise if you have any questions or concerns.
Best Regards,